Nature biotechnology

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Implantation of engineered adipocytes suppresses tumor progression in cancer models.

Nature biotechnology

Nguyen HP, An K, Ito Y, Kharbikar BN, Sheng R, Paredes B, Murray E, Pham K, Bruck M, Zhou X, Biellak C, Ushiki A, Nobuhara M, Fong SL, Bernards DA, Lynce F, Dillon DA, Magbanua MJM, Huppert LA, Hammerlindl H, Klein JA, Valdiviez L, Fiehn O, Esserman L, Desai TA, Yee SW, Rosenbluth JM, Ahituv N

An experimental census of retrons for DNA production and genome editing.

Nature biotechnology

Khan AG, Rojas-Montero M, González-Delgado A, Lopez SC, Fang RF, Crawford KD, Shipman SL

Continuous multiplexed phage genome editing using recombitrons.

Nature biotechnology

Fishman CB, Crawford KD, Bhattarai-Kline S, Poola D, Zhang K, González-Delgado A, Rojas-Montero M, Shipman SL

Design of a mucin-selective protease for targeted degradation of cancer-associated mucins.

Nature biotechnology

Pedram K, Shon DJ, Tender GS, Mantuano NR, Northey JJ, Metcalf KJ, Wisnovsky SP, Riley NM, Forcina GC, Malaker SA, Kuo A, George BM, Miller CL, Casey KM, Vilches-Moure JG, Ferracane MJ, Weaver VM, Läubli H, Bertozzi CR

Microfluidics-free single-cell genomics with templated emulsification.

Nature biotechnology

Clark IC, Fontanez KM, Meltzer RH, Xue Y, Hayford C, May-Zhang A, D'Amato C, Osman A, Zhang JQ, Hettige P, Ishibashi JSA, Delley CL, Weisgerber DW, Replogle JM, Jost M, Phong KT, Kennedy VE, Peretz CAC, Kim EA, Song S, Karlon W, Weissman JS, Smith CC, Gartner ZJ, Abate AR

A comprehensive library of human transcription factors for cell fate engineering.

Nature biotechnology

Ng AHM, Khoshakhlagh P, Rojo Arias JE, Pasquini G, Wang K, Swiersy A, Shipman SL, Appleton E, Kiaee K, Kohman RE, Vernet A, Dysart M, Leeper K, Saylor W, Huang JY, Graveline A, Taipale J, Hill DE, Vidal M, Melero-Martin JM, Busskamp V, Church GM

Deep brain optogenetics without intracranial surgery.

Nature biotechnology

Chen R, Gore F, Nguyen QA, Ramakrishnan C, Patel S, Kim SH, Raffiee M, Kim YS, Hsueh B, Krook-Magnusson E, Soltesz I, Deisseroth K

Plug-and-play control of a brain-computer interface through neural map stabilization.

Nature biotechnology

Silversmith DB, Abiri R, Hardy NF, Natraj N, Tu-Chan A, Chang EF, Ganguly K

Protection of tissue physicochemical properties using polyfunctional crosslinkers.

Nature biotechnology

Park YG, Sohn CH, Chen R, McCue M, Yun DH, Drummond GT, Ku T, Evans NB, Oak HC, Trieu W, Choi H, Jin X, Lilascharoen V, Wang J, Truttmann MC, Qi HW, Ploegh HL, Golub TR, Chen SC, Frosch MP, Kulik HJ, Lim BK, Chung K

Mood variations decoded from multi-site intracranial human brain activity.

Nature biotechnology

Sani OG, Yang Y, Lee MB, Dawes HE, Chang EF, Shanechi MM


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