Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro

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Visualizing mechanical modulation of nanoscale organization of cell-matrix adhesions.

Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro

Ou G, Thakar D, Tung JC, Miroshnikova YA, Dufort CC, Gutierrez E, Groisman A, Weaver VM

Coupling between apical tension and basal adhesion allow epithelia to collectively sense and respond to substrate topography over long distances.

Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro

Broaders KE, Cerchiari AE, Gartner ZJ

Quantitative multivariate analysis of dynamic multicellular morphogenic trajectories.

Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro

White DE, Sylvester JB, Levario TJ, Lu H, Streelman JT, McDevitt TC, Kemp ML

Human breast cancer invasion and aggression correlates with ECM stiffening and immune cell infiltration.

Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro

Acerbi I, Cassereau L, Dean I, Shi Q, Au A, Park C, Chen YY, Liphardt J, Hwang ES, Weaver VM

Systematic analysis of embryonic stem cell differentiation in hydrodynamic environments with controlled embryoid body size.

Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro

Kinney MA, Saeed R, McDevitt TC

Magnetic manipulation and spatial patterning of multi-cellular stem cell aggregates.

Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro

Bratt-Leal AM, Kepple KL, Carpenedo RL, Cooke MT, McDevitt TC

Microtopographical assembly of cardiomyocytes.

Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro

Patel AA, Desai TA, Kumar S

In situ force mapping of mammary gland transformation.

Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro

Lopez JI, Kang I, You WK, McDonald DM, Weaver VM

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