IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics

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Reachable Workspace and Proximal Function Measures for Quantifying Upper Limb Motion.

IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics

Matthew R, Seko S, Kurillo G, Bajcsy R, Cheng L, Han J, Lotz J

A Supervised Approach to Robust Photoplethysmography Quality Assessment.

IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics

Pereira T, Gadhoumi K, Ma M, Xiuyun L, Xiao R, Colorado RA, Keenan KJ, Meisel K, Hu X

Estimating Sit-to-Stand Dynamics using a Single Depth Camera.

IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics

Matthew RP, Seko S, Bailey J, Bajcsy R, Lotz J

Kinematic and Kinetic Validation of an Improved Depth Camera Motion Assessment System Using Rigid Bodies.

IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics

Matthew RP, Seko S, Bajcsy R, Lotz J

Toward continuous, noninvasive assessment of ventricular function and hemodynamics: wearable ballistocardiography.

IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics

Wiens AD, Etemadi M, Roy S, Klein L, Inan OT

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