Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology

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Encapsulation of ß-NGF in injectable microrods for localized delivery accelerates endochondral fracture repair.

Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology

Rivera KO, Cuylear DL, Duke VR, O'Hara KM, Zhong JX, Elghazali NA, Finbloom JA, Kharbikar BN, Kryger AN, Miclau T, Marcucio RS, Bahney CS, Desai TA

Intradiscal treatment of the cartilage endplate for improving solute transport and disc nutrition.

Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology

Habib M, Hussien S, Jeon O, Lotz JC, Wu PI, Alsberg E, Fields AJ

Unsupervised Machine Learning on Motion Capture Data Uncovers Movement Strategies in Low Back Pain.

Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology

Keller AV, Torres-Espin A, Peterson TA, Booker J, O'Neill C, Lotz JC, Bailey JF, Ferguson AR, Matthew RP

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