Aerobic and Resistance Training Attenuate Differently Knee Joint Damage Caused by a High-Fat-High-Sucrose Diet in a Rat Model.

Home / Publications / Aerobic and Resistance Training Attenuate Differently Knee Joint Damage Caused by a High-Fat-High-Sucrose Diet in a Rat Model.

Abughazaleh N, Boldt K, Rios JL, Mattiello SM, Collins KH, Seerattan RA, Herzog W. Aerobic and Resistance Training Attenuate Differently Knee Joint Damage Caused by a High-Fat-High-Sucrose Diet in a Rat Model. Cartilage. 2023 Sep 01; 19476035231193090.


Abughazaleh N, Boldt K, Rios JL, Mattiello SM, Collins KH, Seerattan RA, Herzog W

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